

English Scones with Crumble Topping

The 2017 Best Pâtissier in the World’s scone recipe. They are fluffy and crunchy thanks to a crumble that is sprinkled on top of the scone. Add to it some homemade clotted cream and jam and you’ll have the perfect teatime treat. 

Challah main image

Light and fluffy challah bread

Classic Jewish challah bread. Its characteristic braids make it one of the most beautiful breads, but it’s also one of the tastiest. Slightly sweet, this light and feathery challah bread will go well with any meal, whether sweet or salty.


Cinnamon pull-apart bread

I love all things cinnamon. I’d been eying this recipe for a while as I’d seen it pop up on different food blogs. It’s delicious! Definitely a keeper. This version comes from the blog Annie’s eats. When I made it, the cinnamon pull-apart bread was a huge hit with children, but also with their parents:-) […]