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Challah main image

Light and fluffy challah bread

Classic Jewish challah bread. Its characteristic braids make it one of the most beautiful breads, but it’s also one of the tastiest. Slightly sweet, this light and feathery challah bread will go well with any meal, whether sweet or salty.

Fruit desserts

Poached Pears In White Wine & Cardamom (Ottolenghi)

A light, easy to make and beautiful poached pears with white wine and oriental spices from Ottolenghi’s Jerusalem cookbook.  A healthy dessert! Finally! Well, at least it’s fruit-based:-) I was looking for a light, fruity dessert to end my hearty dinner party on and found these poached pears in white wine & cardamom recipe in Yotam […]

Gâteaux et cakes

Cupcakes au chocolat et à la Guinness

Cupcakes au chocolat et à la Guinness. CuLa combinaison chocolat et Guinness donne des cupcakes très humides et chocolatés qui convaincront même les non-amateurs de Guinness! Quoi? Des cupcakes au chocolat et à la Guinness?? De la bière dans des cupcakes? Je n’aime pas trop la Guinness à la base mais le mélange Guinness/chocolat m’intriguait […]