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Tarte noix de coco ananas

Pineapple and coconut pie

This delicious (and beautiful!) pie is another creation from the talented Thierry Mulhaupt, a pastry chef from the Alsace. The pineapple brings freshness to the pie and the slight addition of cracked pepper balances it perfectly.


Plum Filled Cinnamon Cupcakes & Cream Cheese Frosting

These cinnamon cupcakes are filled with stewed plums and topped with a delicious cinnamon cream cheese frosting. An essential recipe for cinnamon lovers! My partner came up with this recipe to satisfy my craving for plums and cinnamon! The cupcake and cream cheese frosting are packed with cinnamon goodness, and the cupcake is stuffed with […]


Hazelnut financiers

Hazelnut financiers are small French cakes served at teatime. They are moist, springy and nutty with a crispy outside and make a great snack.  Financiers are light and spongey cakes traditionally made from ground almonds (or almond flour), brown butter, flour, sugar and egg whites, and date back to the 17th century. The French pastry […]

Apricot bars
Gâteaux et cakes

Carrés aux abricots

Ces carrés aux abricots ne sont pas les plus sexys, mais ils sont super bons! J’aime beaucoup utiliser les abricots en pâtisserie (comme par example en tarte). Une fois cuits, ils deviennent très juteux et acidulés. Cette recette est relativement simple à préparer, car elle se compose que de deux éléments: la pâte à crumble et […]